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Ruud Loeffen graduated in 1971 from the School of Social Work in Sittard. Until 1981, he was active in social work for young people. From 1982 to 1990, he was a lecturer at the School of Social Work in Sittard. From 1990 to 2009, he was a teacher at the School of Cultural and Social Development, which is now part of Zuyd University. In addition to his specialization in audio-visual education, screenwriting and directing drama, he has studied evolutionary psychology since 1970; since 1998 he has studied biosociology and biological psychology. The central question of Loeffen’s studies has always been “How does the human mind perceive the surrounding world and regulate the interaction between man and his envi-ronment?” In 2009, he initiated the course “The Nature of Human Beings” at Zuyd University and wrote a book entitled “How to Change Human Nature by Regulating Our Neurotransmitters and Hormones” to summarize that knowledge.